Thin Stone Veneer
With the advent of modern fabrication technology, we are able to provide natural thin stone veneer that offers unique interior and exterior design options, is more affordable than full depth stone and a higher quality choice than manufactured stone veneer products. For example, the structure above the third floor balcony of the building at left utilized thin stone veneer as full bed depth stone would have been too heavy.
For more information on this cut of stone, see the page on Thin Stone Veneer.
Full-Bed Depth
Also known as full veneer, stone veneer that is installed on the outside of a structure is traditionally 3-5” thick with an average weight of 45-50 lbs./sq. ft. The first (lowest) course rests on the brick ledge, with subsequent courses each resting on the one below. Masonry ties are used to secure the stone veneer to the wall. This method is a strong, time-tested method of installation. However, in the past there have been some limitations regarding the ability to use natural stone such as: narrow or no ledge, possible weight restrictions or height restrictions to name a few. Our full veneer stone includes:
- Sawn & Split Full Veneer: Each of our natural colors comes from a different stone layer in our quarry, providing an array of design options. Our standard dimension vary in width, are sawn and split at course-heights of 4, 6, 8, and 10 inches, with an average 3–5 inch bed-depth.
- Rough Chop Full Veneer: Available in the same natural colors as our regular building stone, this stone is chopped on all sides for a more natural look, rather than having precise dimensions. Again, our standard dimensions vary in width, are chopped at approximate course-heights of 4, 6, 8, and 10 inches, with an average 3–5 inch bed-depth.
Architectural Cut
Architectural Cut is custom dimension-cut natural stone produced for commercial and high-end residential installations. Architectural elements that can be manufactured to your specifications include paving, headers, sills, caps, quoins, window surrounds and smooth cut stone panels. (Example: door surrounds at left.)
For more information on this cut of stone, see the page on Architectural Cut.